To greatly increase your chances of selling your screenplay, submit your query letter to screenplay agents and managers first. Equery Direct is the fastest way for new and experienced writers to submit their query letter to screenplay agents and managers. This service submits your query letter individually to over 300 Screenplay Agents and managers instantly via email. Each equery letter contains your logline, genre, title, synopsis, and writers contact information and replies come directly to you!
Equeries are the new and preferred method of screenplay submission and more new writers are found by this method than any other. Many agents and managers no longer accept unsolicited query letters via fax or snail mail. Instead, they are requesting screenplay writers to submit their query letter via email only. If you are a screenplay writer and want to sell your screenplay, submit your query letter with Equery Direct today!
Synopsis: After Odysseus blinds the cyclops, Poseidon becomes bent on keeping him and his men from ever returning from Troy. The crew is propelled out over the seas, encountering dangers such as the song of the sirens, the beautiful witch (Circe), and the undead at the edge of the world. Only a few loyal comrades and the goddess, Athena, stand by Odysseus' side. Meanwhile, a rowdy group of suitors plague his house. They demand that his wife, Penelope, take one of them and marry him in Odysseus' place. The suitors plot to murder his son, Telemachus, who journeys abroad for news of his father's fate. During the course of his journey, and against his will, he becomes his father's son. He returns in time to reunite with Odysseus after 17 years and bring the suitors' stay to a permanent end. The Odyssey is one of the greatest tales ever told. It's a story that we can all relate to, because, sooner or later, everybody wants to go home. It's about never giving up.